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Showing posts from September, 2017

FreeIPA - Basic DNS-Management Cheatsheet

FreeIPA DNS-Management Cheatsheet show ipa's dns-configuration on your local server [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa dnsconfig-show modify dns-configuration on your local server [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa dnsconfig-mod --forwarder= --forwarder= --forward-policy=[only|first|none] show all dns servers in an ipa domain [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa dnsserver-find show one specific ipa-dnsserver that was found by 'ipa dnsserver-find' [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa dnsserver-show ipa02.archyslife.lan modify a remote ipa-dns' configuration [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa dnsserver-mod --forwarder= --forwarder= --forward-policy=[only|first|none] ipa02.archyslife.lan a quick note on forward-policies: only: The dns will search the local database first and if an authoritative answer can be found, return it. Otherwise it will forward and query its forwarders. If the forwarders did not reply, the dns will return a SERVFAIL. first: The dns ...

FreeIPA - Basic User- and Group-Management Cheatsheet

I've decided to write a small cheatsheet for user- and in FreeIPA. User-management Add user: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-add $username --first=user --last=name --shell=/bin/bash --homedir=/home/username --email=username@archyslife.lan --password Modify user: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-mod $username --help The options for user-mod and user-add are exactly the same. Change user's password: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-mod $username --password Delete user: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-del $username Add user to group: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa group-add-member group --users=$username Remove user from group: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa group-remove-member group --users=$username List users: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-find Show information to a specific user: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-show $username Disable a user-account: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-disable $username Enable a user-account: [archy@ipa01 ~]$ ipa user-enable $username ...

Spacewalk and CentOS 7.4

CentOS 7.4 (1708) was released recently and I've updated the Spacewalk-Server in my testing environment and discovered that a small issue was affecting the services ability to start. First I was getting a blank screen, then the osa-dispatcher.service was not able to start. So here is what I did to fix it: First update your running CentOS-Installation [archy@spacewalk ~]$ sudo yum -y update This might take a while. After it has finished, downgrade the c3p0 package to fix the osa-dispatcher not starting issue and reboot to let your machine start with the updated kernel. [archy@spacewalk ~]$ sudo yum -y downgrade c3p0 && reboot When it's started up again, check the spacewalk-services. [archy@spacewalk ~]$ sudo spacewalk-service status In my case, the taskomatic did not start successfully. This can be fixed by running [archy@spacewalk ~]$ sudo spacewalk-service stop && sleep 5 && spacewalk-service start The services should now be in r...