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Showing posts from May, 2018

CentOS 7.5 - Bonding and Teaming

Since I upgraded some servers to RHEL 7.5 / CentOS 7.5, I've noticed that when I use teaming for LACP instead of bonding, it only utilizes one nic. I was using the following teamd-runner and it was working flawlessly in 7.4. "{\"runner\": {\"name\": \"lacp\", \"active\": true, \"fast_rate\": true, \"tx_hash\": [\"eth\", \"ipv4\", \"ipv6\"]},\"link_watch\": {\"name\": \"ethtool\"}}" So I assume, the runner is not the problem. I did not dig deeper into the problem since I switched back to bonding. In case you've got some old configurations still active on your network cards, you'll need to remove them before you create an 802.3ad bond. First, add the bonding interface [archy@server ~]$ sudo nmcli connection add type bond con-name bond0 ifname bond0 mode 802.3ad This just creates the interface. We need to manually assign IP address...