Since I started this blog I've mostly been covering the server-side of Linux, not so much the desktop side. My recent switch from Ubuntu(LTS) to Fedora as my main Distro on the Desktop(s) gave me the idea to write about that. Now, I know that this kind of comparison has been done probably a thousand times but I thought I write about my experiences with these 2 great distros. First of all, why Fedora? Well, by now I know the Red Hat Ecosystem fairly good and Fedora is pretty stable while maintaining very recent versions of almost any software that I deal with. While Canonical delivers a new version of its OS every 6 months, same as Red Hat with Fedora, I found it to be not as stable and reliable as Fedora. What are the differences between Fedora and Ubuntu? From a visual point of view, it's probably the Desktop Appearance. Since I'm using GNOME as my desktop, I'm only able to compare it within these 2 distros. Fedora ships a more basic and default setup...