So if you are saving data in elastic search and this data contains IP Addresses, you might want to consider enriching your data with GeoIP. I'll take my router logging data (see part 2) and enrich them with GeoIP data. First of all, let's adjust the Index Template and add the GeoIP Longitude, Latitude and Location fields. I'll push the index template using the dev tools in Kibana. PUT _template/mikrotik-log { "index_patterns" : [ "mikrotik-log-*" ], "settings" : { "index" : { "codec" : "best_compression", "refresh_interval" : "5s", "number_of_shards" : "1", "number_of_replicas" : "1" } }, "mappings" : { "numeric_detection" : true, "dynamic_templates" : [ { "string_fields" : { "mapping" :...