Sometimes, things don't go as planned and, so did a monthly patching job where I work at. Long story short, the satellite installation was broken with packages from 6.7 (Foreman 1.24) while Satellite was upgraded the way it's supposed to be done ... so it was partially broken. I found these few commands to fix a lot of problems with satellite (or foreman for that matter), so I would consider them quite helpful. First, run the installer with the respective scenario and tell it to upgrade. I'll run all of this in a tmux session just in case if I loose the connection or anything else happens to my workstation. [root@satellite ~]# tmux new -s fix_satellite [root@satellite ~]# foreman-maintain service restart [root@satellite ~]# foreman-installer --scenario satellite --upgrade This might take a while. Once the installer has (hopefully) successfully finished, continue to clean up old tasks that might cause problems. [root@satellite ~]# foreman-rake foreman_...