I've recently stumbled upon this problem that hosts cannot be registered in FreeIPA in the usual provisioning workflow for no obvious reason. In my case, it was caused by the Realm Setting where the realm was not written in capital letters. [archy@katello ~]$ hammer realm info --name 'archyslife.lan' Id: 1 Name: archyslife.lan Realm proxy id: 1 Realm type: FreeIPA Locations: HomeLab Organizations: archyslife Created at: 2020/11/19 18:07:28 Updated at: 2020/11/19 18:07:30 The fix was fairly simple since everything necessary was updating the name to all caps. [archy@katello ~]$ hammer realm update --new-name 'ARCHYSLIFE.LAN' Id: 1 Name: ARCHYSLIFE.LAN Realm proxy id: 1 Realm type: FreeIPA Locations: HomeLab Organizations: archyslife Created at: 2020/11/19 18:07:28 Updated at: 2020/11/24 11:45:26 The provisioning workflow should now work as expected with...