By default, kubernetes does not come with a loadbalancer which would not restrict you to using only ports 30000-32767 to expose services. The easiest way go being able deploy services on port 80 or 443 without going through a reverse proxy is a project called metallb. The installation is fairly simple. First, apply the two provided manifests. I'm going to use version 0.12.1 [archy@kube01 ~]$ kubectl apply -f [archy@kube01 ~]$ kubectl apply -f Metallb requires a configmap to work. I'm going to use layer2 and give the controller a complete subnet: [archy@kube01 ~]$ vim /var/tmp/metallb-config.yml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: metallb-system name: config data: config: | address-pools: - name: default protocol: layer2 add...