Systemd-Timers are a more flexible alternative to cronjobs. For example, Systemd will take care of the dependencies and the logging of your timer whereas with cron you'd have to program it yourself. In this example, I will use systemd-timers to create a backup of the zabbix PostgreSQL database. First, create the service that will actually run the task: [root@zabbix ~]# cat << EOF >> /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-db-backup.service [Unit] Description=Create a Backup of the zabbix database postgresql.service [Service] Type=simple Nice=19 ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh /root/scripts/ User=root Group=root EOF Now create the timer unit which is responsible for scheduling your service: [root@zabbix ~]# cat << EOF >> /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-db-backup.timer [Unit] Description=Timer for zabbix-db-backup.service [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* *:45:00 Unit=zabbix-db-backup.service Persiste...