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Showing posts from December, 2023

OKD - Manage operator sources

I've recently needed to install the operator  and noticed that it's not available using a unmodified version of the OperatorHub Configuration. By default, okd4 only enables the 'community-operators' source which does not contain minio. So here's how to enable it: First, log in to the cluster: [13:03:00 - archy@helper01 ~]$ oc login -u 'archy' -p '' --insecure-skip-tls-verify 'https://api.okd.archyslife.lan:6443' Next, we need to edit the operatorhub's spec.sources list: [13:03:12 - archy@helper01 ~]$ oc edit spec: disableAllDefaultSources: true sources: - disabled: false name: community-operators - disabled: false name: certified-operators After the manifest has been applied, check the available operator sources in the WebUI and pods: [13:05:24 - agerth@helper01 ~]$ oc -n openshift-marketplace get pods -o wide --field-selector status.phase=...