First problem, dnarange was not set on the new replica after decommissioning the original master
The dnarange is basically your user- and group-id range. If there's no range there and you're trying to create a user, your command will fail with an error saying that there's no dnarange available. In order to fix this, run the following commands:
Get the user-id of your admin user which always uses the first available uid in the dnarange when being installed:
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa user-show admin | egrep -i 'uid|gid'
UID: 10000
GID: 10000
So now we know that the first ID is '10000' and usually the installer allocated around 20.000 IDs of range. That means our max ID will be '30000-1' so the last usable ID is 29999. With that knowledge, you can set the dnarange on the replica:
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa-replica-manage dnarange-set ipa03.archyslife.lan 10000-29999
Verify your changes:
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa-replica-manage dnarange-show
ipa02.archyslife.lan: 10000-29999
ipa03.archyslife.lan: 10000-29999
Users can not be created again on the new replica.
Next problem I encountered, was the ca renewal master not being set correctly after a replica has been added. This only applies if the ca-role is not assigned to every node in the cluster.
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa-csreplica-manage list
So these are my 2 Nodes that have the ca-role enabled but none of them is the master. Without a valid master, no certificates can be renewed and your services will crash if it goes undetected for too long.
To fix this, run the set-renewal-master command on the new master:
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa-csreplica-manage set-renewal-master ipa03.archyslife.lan
Verify the changes you've made:
[archy@ipa03 ~]$ ipa-csreplica-manage list
ipa03.archyslife.lan: master
The new ca renewal master appears to be assigned. You should still monitor your certificates if they are renewed correctly or if there appear to be errors. In my experience, you should be good to go and not expect any problems down the line if everything completed without errors so far.
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