There can be weird cases where the domain.tld is being appended twice in the ansible facts. This will most likely be caused by resolving the PTR Record in your DNS Zone which might append the zone twice if you forget the '.' at the end of the hostname:
[22:43:26 - archy@stealth-falcon ~]$ ipa dnsrecord-show 13
Record name: 13
PTR record: elk02.archyslife.lan.archyslife.lan.
I'm using FreeIPA, so the fix is fairly straight forward:
[23:44:47 - archy@stealth-falcon ~]$ ipa dnsrecord-mod 13 --ptr-rec 'elk02.archyslife.lan.'
Now, verify that the a and ptr records resolve as expected:
[23:44:58 - archy@stealth-falcon ~]$ dig +short -x $(dig +short a elk02.archyslife.lan)
TL,DR: it was dns
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